Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Back in the saddle

After a few weeks off and dealing with rehabbing my foot since the half marathon, I'm back to a training schedule.

I developed a weird pain in my left foot arch.  So I did some research and think I'm dealing with some plantar fasciitis issue aka a knot in the arch.  Some serious massage has helped relax it and ease the pain.  Still working out the remainder of the muscle tightness but it seems to be safe to run on it.

I've started full on marathon training this week, so the mileage will be low for the next 6 weeks.  The main thing is just working on getting back into the habit of running regularly, and also adding in a cross training schedule to my rest days.

I'm going to try supplementing some P90x workouts and see how that goes til the new year.  Then I'll incorporate some gym classes.  By the time January rolls around, I know I'm going to be struggling with doing morning runs outside, and if I put off my workouts til later in the day I just don't do them.  So come the new year, treadmill city in AM is where it's at.